Be a part of rewriting her story
You can make a difference with your giving. Be a part of rewriting her story. Together we can change the situation from brokenness to healing, exploitation to restoration, survivor to thriver. Partner with us standing for profound recovery and true freedom.
We would be honored to be an extension of you in this ministry through partnership further equipping and empowering us in the journey!
Give the Gift of Safety
Give the gift of Hope
Give the Gift of Healing
Give the gift of Restoration
Give the gift of Freedom
"Let those who love the Lord be like the rising of the sun in all its might.” Judges 5:31
Your one-time donation may be the precise increase necessary in reaching a budget goal empowering greater effectiveness stepping forward. Your monthly, quarterly or annual donation equips us to be able to plan ahead in our ministry efforts and/or in the recovery process of the survivors.
Collabora con noi e massimizza l'impatto della tua donazione. Combatti oggi per la sua libertà e difendi la sua guarigione con il tuo dono.
PER DONARE CON BONIFICO BANCARIO, ecco la nostra informazione:
Intestazione: Alleanza Tesori Raggianti Onlus
Banca Prossima
Via Provaglia, 5/2, 40138 Bologna (BO)
IBAN: IT03Y0335901600100000163054
PER DONARE IL TUO 5x1000 ad Alleanza Tesori Raggianti basta inserire il nostro codice fiscale 91397660373 e la tua firma nell'apposito spazio “Sostegno del volontariato, delle Organizzazioni Non Lucrative di Utilità Sociale” della tua dichiarazione dei redditi.
Se hai bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti o maggiori informazioni puoi scriverci qui:
If you are in the United States or have an American bank account:
Partner with us and maximize the impact of your giving. Fight for her freedom and champion her recovery with your gift today.
Click below to complete your donation:
ATR Safe Housing Development
If you need further clarification or more information please fill out the form below.
If you are in another country outside of Italy and the US and are wanting to give a donation please fill out the contact form below. We can let you know the best way of giving your donation.