We offer a long-term recovery program (3 to 7 years) for young women 18 years and older and their children who have been sexually exploited or trafficked. Our unique home-like environment helps participants feel like family and our 3 stages empower them to become increasingly independent.
1st Stage — Front Line Housing
2nd Stage — Transitional Housing
3rd Stage - Independent Living
The program provides long term housing, recovery and training for women
and their children escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Alba has adopted the SA Foundation (Servants Anonymous) Canada’s program model. The SA Foundation is a Christian-based program widely recognized as one of the few programs worldwide meeting the specific long-term recovery needs of sexually exploited/trafficked youth, women and their children. The SA Foundation’s program model has been replicated in Canada, the U.S., Asia and Europe. For more information, visit www.safoundation.com . We are grateful for their guidance and to be utilizing their programs which have historically seen a 70% success rate.


Our unique curriculum is delivered through facilitators, and an engaged community that is committed to walking through recovery and life together with each participant.
Specific Needs Addressed in Curriculum - Our program model is designed to meet the specific recovery needs of sexually exploited and trafficked youth and women and we are committed to providing trauma informed care.
Specialized Program - Our program delivery is tailored to the needs of the individual with an emphasis on needs for trafficked women including learning language skills, dealing with legal/status concerns, and a variety of recovery issues.
Skill Development Recovery Programming
- Deal with issues related to past abuse
- Deal with any current addiction issues
- Learn to engage in healthy relationships
- Learn to process emotions in a healthy way
- Improve their quality of life
- Increase their level of self-esteem
- Learn to parent in a positive manner, breaking the cycle of abuse in the lives of their children
- Increase their level of education
- Learn employability skills
Parent Support Center - The onsite parent support center is an important program component as it fosters a healthy mother and child attachment and provides a loving, non-judgmental environment for mothers and children to grow and heal.

Freedom involves more than escaping harm. It means access to education, economic empowerment and the ability to consistently provide for her family. This is true freedom!
Our Skill Development and Education Program offers each participant a unique training platform, where they develop transferable and practical life skills that set them up for a successful independent life. This is essential for each woman to succeed in seeing her life rewritten.
How the program shepherds her toward independence:
Safe and professional work space cultivated to let her fail and succeed without negative consequences
Opportunities given for her to learn new skills with the assurance of financial security
Ongoing assessment of recovery and learning needs
Confidence gained and character developed
Skills practiced and refined as her desire to learn and improve grows